Today I saw this picture in the Wall Street Journal and my heart was rocked. This boy is young. Too young to be fleeing for his life, trying to save these animals, which may possibly be his family’s livelihood. Look how strong he is as he holds on to the resistant horse, and tries to heard the goats. What turmoil he is living in, what hardship has befallen him; it’s quite unfathomable to me.
Each of my kids has come to my mind one by one today. I’ve considered their current situations and am grateful that despite any real struggles they may be walking in, they are not fleeing for their lives. They are not standing with outstretched arms trying desperately to hold on to family assets. They are not wondering if they will ever get to go home again.
Last month Zach, our almost 22 year old son broke two bones, tore muscles and ripped a tendon in his ankle. He hobbled around for a week before surgery. He’s lived in pain, fatigue, discomfort and dependence on others for several weeks. Getting to classes around a large university has not been easy. I’ve witnessed and respected his display of strength of body, mind and character during this time. Yet still my heart has wished for less pain, more healing and more independence for him. Even as evidence of strengthening faith and the providence of God have been present, despite little to no complaint from Zach, my heart wants it to be easier for him. I want him to be at football games, not selling his tickets. I wish he could drive his car, not ask others for a ride. I wish he could carry his own plate to the table.
The picture above has not diminished in my eyes the difficulty Zach is in, but it made me thankful his biggest problems are what they are, not escaping from an ISIS held village. Our country is far from utopia, but we are currently not being slaughtered village by village or being held as human shields. Tonight I take this young boy under the wings of my prayers, asking God for His providence for him, his family, their animals ~ hoping he has found a place to rest and be safe. I’m sure I stand with his mom and dad as they seek and pray for things to not be so hard for their boy.